Smarter Energy Communities in Northern & Arctic Regions

SECURE is an interregional project funded under the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014 - 2020, with a budget of €1.8 million. It aims to foster energy-secure communities through the promotion of energy efficiency solutions. The main objective is to use transnational cooperation to transfer and implement innovative energy solutions for improving energy efficiency and renewable sources in public housing, lighting and public buildings. Stakeholders will also study effective technologies and good practice approaches that promote the increased use of energy efficiency and renewable energy resources.

Best Practices

SECURE project aims to develop remote communities and raise their capacity on renewable energy. Find out here best energy practices from the partner regions:

Partners have increased the use of renewable solutions in public housing, buildings and infrastructure.

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Faroese partners share 6 good practices and advance in their investigation towards renewable energy production.

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SECURE kick-off meeting was hosted by Karelia UAS in 2016.

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Ecology Action Centre has shared knowledge and 7 of their best energy practices with SECURE European partners.

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Partners in Northern Ireland are working towards a new energy management system for public buildings

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County Council has encouraged a programme of activities to empower citizens to become energy leaders.

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Swedish partners share energy improvements achieved through SECURE in two public elderly homes: Ärebo and Vallänge.

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Partner Donegal County Council explains energy efficiency measures developed in 5 Public Services Centres.

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Held in northern Ireland, it's main objective was to present project results, discuss future opportunities and learn from local good practices.

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