LECo project shows interest in SECURE

The Gaeltacht Authority, partner in LECo project, meets SECURE’s project leaders to learn more about our outputs and activities.

‘Local Energy Communities’ (LECo) project is, as well as SECURE, an EU-co funded project by Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020, making their approaches for a better community similar. LECo supports small communities in becoming self-sufficient regarding energy. The project aims at raising awareness about energy efficiency and the possibilities to use locally available renewable energy.

LECo wanted to find out more about our project outputs and activities; and that is the reason why Aisling Nic Aoidh, a representative from Údarás na Gaeltachta / The Gaeltacht Authority (Ireland), has visited SECURE’s lead partner ERNACT European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology in Letterkenny (Ireland).

Their partner had the chance to learn about some of SECURE’s outputs, such as the building of 5 smarter energy communities, or the increase in efficiency by %5 in at least 3 public buildings. Furthermore, they had the opportunity to have a look at the activities SECURE has been developing, including good practices and the exchange of experience methods.

Both projects are developing activities to increase the use of energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions, especially working with communities in remote areas. One of the most important aspects of these projects is to involve and engage with the aforementioned communities to showcase the importance of renewables and energy efficiency measures; aiming to promote transnational learning, networking and knowledge exchange.

Learn more about the LECo project here: leco.interreg-npa.eu