Sharing knowledge about renewable transport solutions

”Renewing transport solutions – gas, liquid or from the wall?” workshop has been held in Joensuu (Finland).

SECURE's partners Karelia University of Applied Sciences and Regional Council of North Karelia, both in Finland, have organised a new workshop in Joensuu city, “Uudistuva liikenne – kaasuna, nesteenä vai töpselistä?” (”Renewing transport solutions – gas, liquid or from the wall?”).

Almost 100 people all around Finland gathered to Joensuu, on Tuesday 4th 2017, to hear more about renewable transport solutions. This seminar and workshop concluded the Oil-free North Karelia road-map workshop series held this spring around North Karelia region.

Organisation was again a joint effort of several EU projects, like SECURE, Tentacle, EMMA, Bio4ECO, CIRCWASTE and North Karelia Towards Fossil Oil-Free and Low-Carbon Area, including Karelia UAS and the Regional Council of North Karelia, both SECURE project's partners.